Kontakt - Portoryko

Kontakt ds. ogólnych

Schenck Process LLC
7901 NW 107th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64153
T: +1 816 891-9300
F: +1 816 801-3472


Regionalny kierownik sprzedaży

Enrique Garcia
T +(52) 443-227-4759

Kontakt ds. sprzedaży

Jorge Jeri
Director of Latin America Sales
T: +1 816 801-3506
M: +1 816 257-6471

Przedstawiciel handlowy - części zamienne

Darrell Coleman
T: +1 816-801-3346

Kontakt ds. serwisu

Technical Support - Kemutec products
T: +1 215-788-8013

Technical Support - Pneumatic Conveying and Filtration
T: +1 816-891-9300

Technical Support - Pulverizing and Thermal Processing
T: +1 816-891-9300

Technical Support - Weighing and Feeding
T: +1 262-473-2441 x 3